Happy New Year everyone ! I hope you’re all set for 2016 and, like myself, are ready for whatever a new may bring us. I cannot believe that it is already 2016 and 2015 is over. What an amazing year it has been! For starters, I created this blog, and that’s something :)
I’d like to apologise for my absence on the blog lately. This isn’t exactly an excuse, more of an explanation really, but for my 2 weeks of Christmas break I spent my time in the beautiful country of Costa Rica. There, I had extremely limited internet access and so couldn’t post let alone upload any photos *wipes away a tear*. But hey, look on the bright side! I have a Costa Rica series prepared for you in the coming days where you can see how I spent my 2 weeks in paradise.
Rewind a bit first to today’s post, 2016 has begun ! We all know what a new year means: new year’s resolutions. So, like every other blogger has done already, here are my 5 new year’s resolutions for 2016. Enjoy !
1. Be more open minded and don’t be afraid of a challenge.
Often when I’m faced with a challenge my first thought is I can’t do this. I’ll back away from any opportunity that I think I’ll find difficult or I won’t excel in, but isn’t that life? Making mistakes and learning from them? So, in 2016, I’m challenging myself to grasp these opportunities, whatever they may be, with both hands and say ‘It’s OK not to be perfect!’ Oh, perfectionism, why must you haunt me…
2. Blog more regularly.
You of all people will know that this is a necessity. I know, I know, I’ve been slacking BIG TIME, and I’ve already tried to explain myself. The ideal amount of posts would obviously be 7 times a week, but right now I’m aiming for a solid 4-5 posts a week. I’ve got a plan of action to tackle the obstacles that stand in my way (first and foremost good content and airy photos!), so I promise not to disappoint in the coming weeks !
3. Learn to cook basic meals.
This is vague and very laughable but it’s true ! I definitely need to be able to cook more than just scrambled eggs, even if I start simple. Lasagne would be a good one to learn, maybe a veggie stir fry (and I won’t eat it raw....you know who you are). Please let me know in the comments below if you know any easy and delicious recipes to get started with !
4. Read some classics.
I’ve actually wanted to do this for a while, and although I have read Pride and Prejudice (which I honestly find boring...sorry Mr Darcy), I plan to read more. On my list is Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Great Gatsby. If you have any suggestions as to what bearable classics I can get lost in this year, please let me know below.
5. De-clutter my life and surroundings.
I have put this one off forever, but it has to be done. Every single drawer, shelf and box in my room is filled to the brim with utter tat that I don’t need - and don’t want to throw away. Apparently there’s a tidying book that’s the real deal right now, maybe that’ll help me along my cleaning journey (is journey an overstatement…?). I’ve also heard lots about Feng-Shui, so that might come into play while de-cluttering my room.
Let me know below if you have any new year’s resolutions or suggestions regarding my own. Once again, hope you all had a great holiday and happy new year !
Niamh x
Love your resolutions - I should have really set some for myself looking back on it haha :) Looking forward to reading more of your posts!
Thank you Hannah! It means a lot - I'm glad you enjoyed it. There's still time to dedicate yourself to some New Year's Resolutions! xx